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This is where we share updates, events, news, and mostly our unfiltered opinions about the people, places, and things in Corning. Read on.

Businesses to Benefit from the Po-Go Jump

Businesses to Benefit from the Po-Go Jump

Last week, I was walking through Centerway Square checking email on my phone when a stranger asked if I've found anything interesting. That question was so broad, I thought I was in one of those movies where the protagonist unsuspectingly swaps briefcases in the...

Card Carrying Books & Gifts

Card Carrying Books & Gifts

Our dear friends are opening a book store! Card Carrying Books & Gifts is the perfect niche bookstore that Market Street has been waiting for. Join us in donating to their Indiegogo campaign and be a part of this incredible movement. Take a read below as Sarah...

Pardon Our Dust: Construction Season is Upon Us

Pardon Our Dust: Construction Season is Upon Us

I've spent my entire life in Upstate New York and I've learned there are only 2 seasons: Winter and Construction. Some of my favorite sights and sounds occur during Construction Season - the gentle chirps of cement trucks backing up, the blooming?of bright perennial...

Urban Arts Crawl Review

Urban Arts Crawl Review

Every month, we talk about the greatness that is Urban Arts Crawl. Instead of hearing from us, we wanted to give you the perspective of fresh eyes. Elizabeth Paolucci is a senior at Elmira College who was looking to explore Corning. Here are her words about Urban Arts...