An occasionally irreverent, sometimes irrelevant, often hilarious and always informative page about Corning, NY.
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Businesses to Benefit from the Po-Go Jump
Last week, I was walking through Centerway Square checking email on my phone when a stranger asked if I've found anything interesting. That question was so broad, I thought I was in one of those movies where the protagonist unsuspectingly swaps briefcases in the...
Rediscovering CMOG Through The Eyes Of A Child
The Corning Museum of Glass is an obvious attraction of Corning. And it's easy to take advantage of a gem in our hometown. Jessica Aiduk is here to remind us of all the wonders and excitement of the Corning Museum of Glass, through?the eyes of her daughters. If you've...
Card Carrying Books & Gifts
Our dear friends are opening a book store! Card Carrying Books & Gifts is the perfect niche bookstore that Market Street has been waiting for. Join us in donating to their Indiegogo campaign and be a part of this incredible movement. Take a read below as Sarah...

Urban Corning Store
Show your local pride with these select products from Urban Corning. Order online or shop exclusively at Card Carrying Books & Gifts on Market Street