An occasionally irreverent, sometimes irrelevant, often hilarious and always informative page about Corning, NY.
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Why Springtime in Corning is Especially Exciting
Ok, people, tell Netflix you're NOT going to watch another episode. Get off that therapist couch, throw your phone away (after reading this and posting it to Facebook), and run outside - it's SPRING! I don't care if you still need a winter jacket and three scarves,...
How To Celebrate National Pizza Day In Corning
It's National Pizza Day! As with any semi-official food related national holiday, I expect the local pizza joints to be buzzing from the time they unlock their front doors to the moment the last pie is out for late night delivery. After all, today is their day. But,...
Coming Home for Bare Bones Café
The following is a guest post from a dear friend and Urban Corning contributor, Amelia Harnas. We miss her when she's not in Corning and we're glad to know it's feeling more like home every day! For the past two weeks, I’ve been living in Brooklyn. I’ve been taking...

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