An occasionally irreverent, sometimes irrelevant, often hilarious and always informative page about Corning, NY.
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Card Carrying Books & Gifts OPENING
Happy Tuesday! Today we are introducing Card Carrying Books & Gifts, a new bookstore on Market Street! The owners, Sarah Blagg and Randi Hewit, stand for all things equality, and we will be featuring a monthly blog post from the store. On Wednesday, August...
5 Things to Know about Runners in Corning
The Wineglass Marathon is quickly becoming one of the most popular small races in the world, as evidenced by its coverage in Runner's World Magazine and its waitlist of nearly 1,000 people. It was ranked as the overall 10th Best Marathon in the World by The Active...
The Art of Antiquing
Antique shops are one of Market Street's gems. There are more than you think, with more treasures than you can imagine. To learn more about the art of antiquing, I reached out to my friend, Lauren Cain, to learn more about her love for all things pyrex and antiques....

Urban Corning Store
Show your local pride with these select products from Urban Corning. Order online or shop exclusively at Card Carrying Books & Gifts on Market Street