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Painting With Wine| Amelia Fais Harnas

Painting With Wine| Amelia Fais Harnas

It’s fitting that the first time I met Corning artist Amelia Fais Harnas was through mutual friends at The Cellar. ?We didn’t talk about her art, so when I came across this article?about an artist from Corning, NY, who painted with wine, I didn’t...
Local Art Plug | Mikey Truskolaski

Local Art Plug | Mikey Truskolaski

Have you seen these paintings? They are on the walls at Holme’s Plate. Some friends and I went there after CMoG’s 2300? and I overheard people talking about them, so I thought I’d give the artist a plug, because 1) He’s a blog fan and 2) I have...
Outsider Art @ 171

Outsider Art @ 171

This past year I went to the local TEDx Conference, and one of the speakers was?Connie Sullivan-Blum with the ARTS Council of the Southern Tier Finger Lakes. Her talk, titled “Picking & Scrapping: The art of getting by” introduced me to something known...