by Dave Rochelle | Dec 2, 2015 | Area Fun!, Best of Corning, Local Arts, Misc, People of Corning, Videos
Highlights from Corning’s Gaffer District’s 21st Annual Parade of Lights… enjoy! Dave RochelleDave owns Rochelle Media Works and is a partner at CreAgent Marketing in Corning, NY...
by Dave Rochelle | Nov 17, 2015 | Area Fun!, Best of Corning, Misc, Townie Turned Tourist, Unique Area Businesses
I come from a family of educators, and believe strongly in lifelong learning. ?Our community has its fair share of traditional schools where one can earn various diplomas and certificates… and when one thinks “education,”?it’s easy to focus on...
by Dave Rochelle | Oct 13, 2015 | Best of Corning, Community Voices, Misc, People of Corning, Uncategorized
I?ve lived on Market Street?for more than 15 years, so I’m a go-to guy when people want to know, ?what?s it like??? It’s not perfect, but for me there?s nowhere else in town that really comes close. ?When I moved here in 1997 there were roughly a dozen low...
by Logan Sweet | Sep 28, 2015 | Area Fun!, Best of Corning, Local News
Look, we’ve heard it all before: “I didn’t know my street was going to be closed… There are little paper cups all over my front yard… I had to leave for work fifteen minutes earlier than normal.” And, our personal favorite, “How am I supposed to get to Wegmans?!” We...
by Dave Rochelle | Sep 27, 2015 | Area Fun!, Best of Corning, Community Voices, Interviews, Local News, Misc, People of Corning, Top Posts, Uncategorized
A?stray kitten spent a weekend car hopping throughout Corning. ?”Lily” has since found her forever home (presumably being kept as an indoor cat). ?We?were on the scene two Sundays ago when Lily was extracted from her last?automotive?shelter?- as...
by Dave Rochelle | Sep 12, 2015 | Best of Corning, Misc, Townie Turned Tourist, Uncategorized
Our last?Hidden Corning feature took you to a long-forgotten second story on Market Street. ?This time we’re going?higher. As you’re all probably well aware by this time, the former Corning Free Academy building has been transformed from a middle...