Over the next couple of weeks you may see this site go up and down, as well as various (drastic) graphical makeovers. I am modernizing the look and adding new sections. New sections such as”Projects & Development” (new businesses and project updates on things like Centerway Bridge, the Bus Depot, and the new Hotel coming to Market St).
It has been over a year since this site was active with new posts. Check in for new posts while I’m working on the other stuff in the background. If you would like to help with blog content, let me know… even if your specialty happens to be “Bar Hopping.” Tell me in the comments and / or hit me up on Facebook. I pay absolutely nothing! Heck, you can even work from home! That makes me a better boss than the CEO of Yahoo!… Except for the not paying part. Be realistic, you can’t have it all.
Myles started UrbanCorning.com and Facebook.com/UrbanCorning in 2008, and ran it until May of 2014. Myles moved to Tacoma, WA and his new website can be found at: www.tacomatose.com.