The Source at Factory No. 2 might be Corning’s most eclectic business. They have a combination of goods and services that you thought you’d never see all together under one roof. But, oh, what a sweet roof to be under.
For years, they have been making their own chocolate, which is good enough for me. They also create gift baskets for any occasion, fresh-press their own juice, offer a full lunch and brunch menu, and sell locally-sourced food, beverage, and craft items.
But wait, [now] there’s more.
The Source now has more dinner options and a bar! The soft launch of these new features has already begun, but on Saturday, March 25, they will officially celebrate all of the new offerings. They’ll showcase a variety of beer and wine in addition to promoting their dinner options. As if it wasn’t already good enough to offer chocolate, waffles, artwork, and luxury lotions and soaps, we can now enjoy all of those things next to a beer. And what isn’t better next to a beer?
But before someone deletes your Facebook comment about how many places on Market Street already sell beer and wine, the creative staff at The Source is already way ahead of you. They’re not only pouring beer and wine into a glass like everyone else; that simply wouldn’t be their style. Since they already offer juices and smoothies, they decided to craft some wine and beer “cocktails” in the style of the drinks we’ve already come to love from them.
That’s right – I ordered an Iron Flamingo IPA with cucumbers, basil, lemonade, and sparkling water and I’ve never felt better about drinking alcohol (except when I ran an Ultra Ragnar – 38 miles over 1.5 days through the Adirondack Mountains – and drank a Michelob Ultra at the finish line).
In the summer, I can’t imagine there will be a better option than drinking a wine smoothie with brunch. Unless you’re the kind of person who doesn’t like brunch or wine, in which case you’re reading the wrong blog.
So if you’re ready to celebrate these transformations of grandeur, visit The Source on Saturday, March 25 between 11am and 8pm. For only $20, you can have a buffet lunch or dinner, make your own chocolate, and win one of many gifts they’ll be giving away throughout the day.
Or, of course, just visit on a weekday afternoon for a beer cocktail because that’s what I did and it was perfect.

Sean is the owner and partner at Creagent Marketing in Corning, NY. He helps businesses find their voice on social media and build their audience online. He helps individuals find delicious meals and great drinks throughout the Southern Finger Lakes.