Have you seen these paintings?
They are on the walls at Holme’s Plate. Some friends and I went there after CMoG’s 2300? and I overheard people talking about them, so I thought I’d give the artist a plug, because 1) He’s a blog fan and 2) I have one of his paintings hanging in my kitchen:
His name is Mikey Truskolaski and you can find his facebook page here: Facebook.com/BowaStudio. He’s self-taught and uses local scenes & images for inspiration (the cow comes from the Farm Sanctuary in Watkins Glen). I?first learned of Mikey while stalking my facebook fans (some of you need a lesson in using privacy settings). ?The cow is one of his signature pieces, and I love it. The Van Gogh inspired Corning skylines are for sale at Holmes Plate, and would make a great gift for say… a local who loves Corning so much that he runs a blog about it. 🙂
Myles started UrbanCorning.com and Facebook.com/UrbanCorning in 2008, and ran it until May of 2014. Myles moved to Tacoma, WA and his new website can be found at: www.tacomatose.com.