Any sexy stat nerds out there? These stats are for 1 month, Sept 4th – October 4th.
- My best week this month was Sept 8 – 14th
- With a total of 4,411 new visitors in a single week
- My best day was Sept 10, with nearly 1,400 visitors on a single day
- Most of you were viewing this post, which has 1.4 thousand “Likes”[clear]
- Total # of pages visited this month: 7,507
- …from about 5,000 total visitors
- …of which, 4,189 were “unique visitors”
- 876 of you were repeat visitors, visiting between 2-16 times this month!
- 1300 of you spent between 1 to 30 minutes on the site
- 36 of you spent over 30 minutes on the site![clear]
The Top 10 Cities to visit, in order: Corning (with?1,174 visits), Elmira, Boston, New York City, Binghamton, Horseheads, Milford, anonymous, Penn Yan, and Ithaca (with 45 visits).[clear]
The top 10 Countries to visit
- ?US (4,768 visitors)
- Canada
- UK
- Germany
- India
- Spain
- Australia
- France
- Georgia
- Netherlands (5 visitors)[clear]
TWO of you found my site by Googling for mexican food but mistyped “Miracle Mile Elmira” as “Miracle Mike Elmira” (Were you thinking about Magic Mike? I get that all the time.)
- Nearly 1,500 of you are on IOS, with less than 750 users on Android, Blackberry, and Windows Mobile combined.
- Most of you came to my site from Facebook
- 761 got to my site by directly typing into your browsers (nice!)
- The rest came in via a search engine
- After coming to the site to read an article, 23% of you went on to read additional content.
Facebook Stats
- This month my Facebook page went from 685 to 744 Page Likes
- 65% of my fans are women
- The majority of those women are between 25-34 Years Old
- Friday between 7pm -8pm is the most popular time for my fans to be on Facebook. (Nerds!.. sexy sexy lady nerds)
- This week alone, UrbanCorning Facebook posts have reached 3,947 people
- 100% of the people who read this blog post should call me to buy or sell their next house because I’m a real estate agent; I feel like I don’t talk about that enough.
Myles started and in 2008, and ran it until May of 2014. Myles moved to Tacoma, WA and his new website can be found at: