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If you’re not from around here, Imagine That! is a cool toy store on Market St in Corning. A few days ago, the owner of Imagine That! posted a photo on Facebook of her parents on their wedding day in 1942. Here’s a screenshot:

Imagine That

Within a few days, the photo had 187,479 likes, 21,944 comments, and 884 shares! If you didn’t already catch it, here’s the rest of the story from their Facebook Page:

…I posted a picture here of my parents from their wedding day 71 years ago (3/2/42)… Many believe the picture is someone they know as I didn’t mention my parents’ names. This viral experience has entertained my entire family, many of who spent yesterday celebrating my parents’ marriage – & yes they are alive and not related to most of these almost 3 million people! In many languages so many affectionately spoke of the greatest generation that fought and lived through WWII as I had mentioned my Dad being shipped off after they were married. He is pictured in uniform in their wedding picture… This has been a very fun experience and expression of love! Thanks everyone!


Those are some Viral Stats!


To see a photo of her parents today, check out the Imagine That! Facebook page.

Imagine That! | 86 W Market St Corning, NY


Myles Lasco

Myles Lasco

Former Website Director and Head Writer at
Myles started and in 2008, and ran it until May of 2014. Myles moved to Tacoma, WA and his new website can be found at:
Myles Lasco
Myles Lasco
Myles Lasco

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